Für Nutzer des RT-311 Swarm Oszillators gibt es ab sofort Workshop Videos mit interessanten Details zum reichhaltigen Feature Angebot des modernen Klassikers.

Für Nutzer des RT-311 Swarm Oszillators gibt es ab sofort Workshop Videos mit interessanten Details zum reichhaltigen Feature Angebot des modernen Klassikers.
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Doodling through the night with the Accelerator, Spectralis 2, RT-451, RT-311, Soundcraft Signature 22MTK, Strymon timeline and the Boss SX-700.
The RT-311 offers two main oscillators with sweepable waveforms, oscillator synchronisation, TLM, linear FM and exponential FM. The RT-311 can store up to 8 memory setups with 8 snapshots each, holding all oscillator settings and memorizes them even after powering down your modular synth. One highlight of this module is the opportunity to interpolate between these parameter snaphots. Interpolation can be controlled with an external control voltage or with a built in LFO. The speed of the internal LFO can be controlled with an external control voltage as well. The interpolator has even an external output to interpolate one parameter of an attached module.
Both oscillators can built swarms of oscillator clones. Up to 16 Oscillators are running simultaneously at the highest setting. The detune knob changes the pitch of all oscillator clones between ultra slow oscillator frequency beating effects and multiple frequency drones and chords.
The swarm can be pitched in musical intervals, chords, clusters or fat detunes. The swarm tuning can be stored into the snapshots too. That allows for to built up to 8 different chords with different sound settings one can change while playing in a setup.
Both oscillator swarms have independent outputs. If one sets the exponential FM inputs depth to maximum, the inputs run with Volt per Octave scaling. The oscillator swarms can then be used like two independent Synth voices.
The scale inputs can also get quantized to musical scales. That makes it easy to control the swarm from a step sequencer. Just select the root key with the tune knob and a pentatonic scale and turn the knobs of your sequencer for always matching tonal sequences.
1.) RT-311 Subwoofer test
Does your subwoofer handle the low frequencies of this little snapshot interpolator demo? If not you should shop for something else.
The file can be downloaded here:
2.) Interpolating swarm clouds
The parameters of the RT-311 can be automated by interpolating between different snapshots of sound settings. There is even an interpolator data output for the control of additional modules. In this example the RT-451 Dual Filter module is connected to this output.
You are listening to waveform, pitch and TLM modulation, FM etc. changing continuously over time and you probably have never heard before that all these parameters are changing simultaneously.
The player above plays the mp3 version of the demo. You can download a uncompressed wav-file version here.
3.) More swarm oscillator chords
The oscillator swarm offers some chord presets, that can be used as tuning sets for the swarm. I fed the oscillator into the RT-451 dual multimode filter. The cutoff frequency is under control of an ADSR envelope. Finally I put a little delay onto the demo.
The player above plays the mp3 version of the demo. You can download a uncompressed wav-file version here.
4.) Chord swarm 1
The oscillator swarm offers some chord presets, that can be used as tuning sets for the swarm. I fed the oscillator into the RT-451 dual multimode filter. The cutoff frequency is under control of an ADSR envelope.
Finally I put a little delay onto the demo.
You can listen to three different short clips.
The player above plays the mp3 version of the demo. You can download a uncompressed wav-file version here.
5.) Interpolating sequence.
In this example you are listening to the RT-311 Swarm Oscillator interpolating patch, triggered by a one bar beatstep sequence. The interpolator is controlled by the RT-311 internal LFO. The external cv output of the interpolator controls the RT-451 for additional filter effects. After some dry bars I added some reverb and delay for a more cosmic experience 😉
The player above plays the mp3 version of the demo. You can download a uncompressed wav-file version here!
6.) Musical scales
In this example I am experimenting with the scale settings of the RT-311 swarm oscillator. The „swarm“ itself is not in use in this example – I am using the oscillators like two single oscillators. The LFO, that controls the pitch input, controls the cutoff frequency of the RT-451 multimode filter in the sawtooth section of this demo (starts at the half of the file). Setting the modulation depth of both filters in opposite direction creates this stereo animation.
At the end I am deactivating the scale quantizer so you can hear, what the oscillator would sound like without the quantizer.
I am using the tape delay setting of the soundcraft mtk mixer and feed the echo signal into the reverb fx of the second fx processor.
You can download the demo as a wav-file here!
7.) Oscillator sync experiments
In this demo you are listening to some live tweaking of an oscillator synchronisation patch. I fed the oscillator into the FXs of my mixing desk to create these sonic landscapes. The wav file can be downloaded here!
8.) RT-311 first demo
I created that demo with an early prototype of the swarm oscillator. I created a lot of different sounds together with our RT-451 filter, envelopes and VCAs from Doepfer etc.
The player above plays the mp3 version of the demo. You can download a uncompressed wav-file version here.
In this example you are listening to the RT-311 Swarm Oscillator interpolating patch, triggered by a one bar beatstep sequence. The interpolator is controlled by the RT-311 internal LFO. The external cv output of the interpolator controls the RT-451 for additional filter effects. After some dry bars I added some reverb and delay for a more cosmic experience 😉
The player above plays the mp3 version of the demo. You can download a uncompressed wav-file version here!